Glory of India

Value Education for Children

Wholesome systematic courses that help children imbibe values that sync with the higher laws of the Universe

UGC On Value Education

Excerpt from the UGC paper on Value Education (2003). The rapid developments in science and technology and the challenges of globalization are posing additional challenges to the education system in the country. This is also the time when parental care to the children is on the wane.

The adverse effects of the media on the mental development and moral values of the younger generation are being felt increasingly in all spheres of life. Gross consumerism has distorted the outlook of persons into one of equating possessions with richness. Exploitation of natural resources is proceeding without reference to sustainability. The hiatus between the rich and the poor is getting wider. While the education system needs to keep pace with the scientific and technological developments in terms of building the skills and knowledge, it also needs to address the more fundamental issues of the social and moral consequences of such unregulated activities. In this context, there is now a growing demand to lay greater emphasis on education to inculcate, nurture and develop values, particularly among the youth of the country. (this text can be in accordion read more) 

Major recommendations of this seminar are given below: The need of the hour is to inculcate human values in the University students, like quest for peace, adherence to truth and right conduct, non-violence, compassion, tolerance, love for all living beings, respect for the Motherland and the glory of its culture and traditions, in order to promote societal concern and responsible citizenship; so that such an effort is in the interest of the students, society and the nation.


Glory of India Value Education Book Series is based on Vedic histories. It is a well-structured syllabus for students from class one to class twelve to learn values alongside the glory of India as seen in its existing landmarks and ancient structures. 
“Connect” sections in the beginning and “Reflect” sections at the end of each lesson guide the teacher to conduct interactive discussions with the students. These discussions improve thinking and oratorical skills even as the students imbue values for self-sustenance and progressive social interactions. There are thought provoking fun activities for the children and ideas for the teens to have debates, JAM sessions, group discussions and research. 
There are over 200 stories with attractive colour pictures set aesthetically to awaken a connection with the eternal and divine. An introduction to the role models of the vedic age who lived by the highest values and principles give the students a broader perspective to the purpose and conduct of life.

At a Glance

Students since 2010
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Trained volunteer teachers
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“If children are given practical guidance on the transcendental platform, above the bodily and mental conception of life, then they will develop into perfect citizens—moral, honest, hard-working, law-abiding, clean, faithful to home and country…” 
Srila Prabhupada
ISKCON Founder-acharya

World Leaders on the Glory of India

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Esvari Mataji

+91 9444708680
11 Am to 9 pm (Mon to Sat).
Languages: English, Hindi & Tamil

Deepa Mataji

+91 99622 29141
Weekdays 6.00pm to 9.00pm,
Weekends 10.00am to 9:00pm
Languages: Hindi, English, Telugu, Marathi & Tamil.


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