Glory of India
Value Education for Children
Wholesome systematic courses that help children imbibe values that sync with the higher laws of the Universe

Glory of India Value Education Resources take its students on a historical tour of India’s important landmarks such as her mountains, rivers and temples to uncover the treasure trove of their timeless wisdom.
These resources also narrate the inspiring stories of exemplary sages, saints, and kings who prioritized character over convenience, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations to choose integrity over indulgence.
There is a series of well-structured books for students from class one to class twelve to learn in schools. You can look at the index of these books in the Books page. Each of the lessons in the books have “connect” sections in the beginning and “reflect” sections at the end. There are simple activities for children and interesting thought provoking topics for research, discussions and debates for older children to “recollect” or “dissect” further into what they learnt.
There are also short and long courses that can be taught over a month or a year at Sunday School/weekly programs. These courses dwell a while on each story as children learn corresponding sloka, bhajan and rhyme and also have fun with art, craft or fireless cooking . Our starter kit will help you with directions to begin and conduct a weekly program at your home or centre. These resources are all digitally available.
Devotion to the Supreme Lord is the goal of human life and the Glory of India Value Education Resources gently place children on that path of devotion by helping them develop faith in the Lord, in divine nature, His deity form, and in the scriptures. Additionally, it introduces them to honest sages, saints and kings who are role models of moral conduct, faith and devotion.
UGC On Value Education
Excerpt from the UGC paper on Value Education (2003). The rapid developments in science and technology and the challenges of globalization are posing additional challenges to the education system in the country. This is also the time when parental care to the children is on the wane.
The adverse effects of the media on the mental development and moral values of the younger generation are being felt increasingly in all spheres of life. Gross consumerism has distorted the outlook of persons into one of equating possessions with richness. Exploitation of natural resources is proceeding without reference to sustainability. The hiatus between the rich and the poor is getting wider. While the education system needs to keep pace with the scientific and technological developments in terms of building the skills and knowledge, it also needs to address the more fundamental issues of the social and moral consequences of such unregulated activities. In this context, there is now a growing demand to lay greater emphasis on education to inculcate, nurture and develop values, particularly among the youth of the country. (this text can be in accordion read more)
Major recommendations of this seminar are given below: The need of the hour is to inculcate human values in the University students, like quest for peace, adherence to truth and right conduct, non-violence, compassion, tolerance, love for all living beings, respect for the Motherland and the glory of its culture and traditions, in order to promote societal concern and responsible citizenship; so that such an effort is in the interest of the students, society and the nation.
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World Leaders on the Glory of India

b) Bhajans
c) Bhagavad Gita Sloka by Sloka to help learning and
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